Iqra Charity Logo


Iqra Charity - Services - Orphans
Iqra Charity Logo


Beneficiaries130+ Monthly Sponsorships
DemographicsOrphans ages 7-18
ServicesIndividualised Education Programmes, Reactional Activities, Monthly Stipends, Housing
ProgrammesMy Orphan, 100 Orphans, Project Hope, Abna Ashaam School, Dar al-Arqam, Ertugrul Gazi Riding Centre

Our work with orphans is special and unique in the arena as we extend our services beyond only just a concern for food, shelter and clothing or financial assistance as most other programmes do.

We don’t just give sponsorship, we educate, providing each child with a brighter future. We give them the opportunity to engage in recreational and educational activities that will not only help alleviate some of their hardships but, more importantly, build strong independent and Islamic character.

Service Gallery

We are a front-line humanitarian organisation working in the midst of war-torn Syria since 2012.