Abna Ashaam School
Abna Ashaam School opened its doors in 2012, in the village of Atmeh, a project that is summarised by our motto: “Building a New Generation through Education”
While our major focus is on education and development of the human resources, we recognise the importance of other services and needs.
Among them are: emergency and disaster relief and the construction of infrastructure; medical, residential, educational, electric and hydraulic.
We provide monthly aid in the form of monetary stipends, vouchers, food and hygiene packs as well conducting and establishing numerous training and educational programmes in the forms of workshops, seminaries, schools, nurseries, and educational centres.
All of our projects and services maintain key qualities to deliver the best experience and relief to those we serve.
It is important those we serve are not only helped but are given the resources and confidence to help themselves.
Research and sound planning enables us to implement sustainable and self-sufficient projects with the resources available on the ground.
Islam is a vital part of the people’s lives, consulting qualified scholars ensures the Islamic identity of our projects.
Building and upholding the ties of fraternity and community are part of our principles of service.
The safety of our wards, staff, and beneficiaries is our greatest concern and every measure is taken ensuring their security.
Working in a war zone means being able to adapt and adjust to rapidly changing situations is vital to success.
At Iqra we take pride in the implementation of innovative and unique projects focused on providing assistance to people while simultaneously investing in them and and their communities. Rebuilding communities and securing the future of societies through producing balanced, informed, knowledgable, skilled and pro-active people.
Over the years we have experienced and seen the fruits of such endeavours in several of our premiere projects that exemplify our ethos of education and activation. These flagship projects are shinning examples of what can be achieved through co-operation, planning and effort.
Abna Ashaam School opened its doors in 2012, in the village of Atmeh, a project that is summarised by our motto: “Building a New Generation through Education”
The Education Village embodies four of the major principles of our organisation’s ethos. Education, development, activation and self-dependency.
Iqra Camp is a residential compound built upon the ethos of Iqra’s philosophy of lifting people up and enabling them to become self-sufficient and beneficial contributors to their society.
After almost 14 years of struggle and isolation now is the time to stand with the people of Syria.
We need your help so we can reach out to the ‘Most Needy’
– Reconstruction of Homes and Lives
Iqra is dedicated to best serving the Muslim community, in order to do this we assess what sectors are most in demand and what difficulties face the people, providing services, programmes and projects that best address those concerns and meet the people’s needs.
Among those vital sectors of service in high demand are the areas of medical aid and assistance, primary and crisis relief, infrastructure and maintenance projects, education, Qur’an and religious programmes, women’s development
and empowerment, orphan sponsorships, and Eid and recreational events.
Our Aid Department focuses on responding to the people’s basic needs, in both emergency and crisis situations as well as the day-to-day affairs.
Rebuilding Syria is vital for the future. Iqra has built roads, sewage networks, refugee camps, residential complexes, masajid and solar stations all across Syria.
Our focus is education. We have built nurseries, primary and secondary schools, adult training centres, women’s empowerment institutes, Islamic centres and masajid all across free Syria.
Our work with orphans is special and unique in the arena as we extend our services beyond only just a concern for food, shelter and clothing or financial assistance as most other programmes do.
We understand the great importance of learning and teaching Quran ensure that it is a cornerstone of many of our programmes.
Iqra has sponsored a a wide variety of extra curricular activities, ranging from football, karate and horse riding to sewing and knitting courses, day trips to amusement parks, picnics in the mountains and swimming parties.
More than 75% of the nearly 13.5 million displaced Syrians are women and children, widows and orphans who are often left with little to no support system to meet day-to-day needs.
Whenever there is a crisis our teams are among the first to respond. Emergency evacuations and relocations, search and rescue, and ambulance transport are just some of the vital services we provide, often in areas actively under bombardment.
Our recovery hospices look after those injured by years of brutal war, providing them with regular check-ups, and physiotherapy.
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