Iqra Charity Logo


Quran - Girls Class
Iqra Charity Logo


Beneficiaries600+ Students
DemographicsChildren, Orphans ages 7-18
ProgrammesHafidz in Syria, Nafahat al-Iman

“The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.” We understand the great importance of learning and teaching Quran ensure that it is a cornerstone of many of our programmes. In addition to making it a part of many other projects we strive to have programmes devoted solely to the noble pursuit of teaching and honouring the Quran.

Hafidhz in Syria
Through the Hifidhz in Syria (HIS) programme Iqra Charity successfully provides sponsorships to over 300 displaced and deprived students regularly attending Quran memorisation institutes in various locales and rural areas throughout Syria. Providing not only places of study, but monthly stipends for the students, helping to enable them to maintain their studies while many their age would be forced by necessity to work in order to help support their families. The administration of HIS continue regular monthly visits to each institute ensuring the students are meeting the required memorisation standards and filing progress reports on each student.

Nafahat al-Iman
Began in 2016, to teach women and children Quran. Its goal is to impart Islamic knowledge and produce those who preserve the Quran, and revive the masjid as a place of light and learning. The students are taught to read and recite the Quran as well as the specialised sciences of the Arabic language associated with the Book of Allah. They are also taught creed and doctrine, fiqh and dawah, using the Islamic curriculum designed by scholars for Iqra Charity.

Service Gallery

We are a front-line humanitarian organisation working in the midst of war-torn Syria since 2012.